She’s Still Here

by Steve on July 12, 2006

On her good days her sense of humor is wonderful.  On her bad days her grief over the loss of her youngest son in Iraq is painfully obvious but as the title of her blog reads, “I am still here…“ 

Technorati ratted her out, seems she’s been reading my rantings and thought enough to link me.  I’m honored and have added her to my Blogroll.  Drop by from time to time, some good stuff in the archives too.  Some good for a laugh and some good for a tear.  Let her know you care.

God bless you, Deb, in all that you do.  And thanks.

{ 1 comment }

Debra S Youngblood July 13, 2006 at 13:06

You do me a great honor, and I thank you. Blessings, and thank you for your service to this country.

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