John got me thinking with his recent post on liberal math: the latest polls suggest that the overwhelming majority of Americans are against the war. (Actually it’s 54% +/- 3% but when you apply the liberal filter that equates to “most Americans”.)
You’ll notice a new graphic over in the sidebar: Pro-Victory.
Similarly, with the argument over the war on terror, “our” side has a bit of a dilemma. The other side has staked out “anti-war” as their rallying cry, leaving us to be called “pro-war.” That’s not entirely accurate, at least in my case, and rather damning. So I reject that.
And then it hit me. Let the other side be “anti-war.” If they choose not to recognize that the war started a long time ago, and we’ve only recently started fighting back, that’s their stupidity. We have more important things to worry about than their whining and kvetching.
We’re pro-VICTORY.
It’s a good word. It says exactly what our goal is: to win, to defeat the enemy, to stop those out to destroy us and our way of life and impose their tyrannical vision on people.
Pro-Victory. Has a nice sound to it. What the anti-war left seems to misunderstand is that few true warriors actually hope for war. They train for war in hopes that their existence will encourage peace. But if the call comes they stand ready to unleash hell upon those who threaten us.
What does it mean? It means I’d much rather be fighting the fight today in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon than fighting it tomorrow in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles. The “war on terror” is a nice politically correct term used to whitewash the military expansion of Islam. To ignore it is to condemn our way of life. Lex sums it up nicely:
We simply have to win. We’ll have to do so with or without the support of the politically motivated and tediously negative tub-thumping frame-meisters in the mainstream media. If our adversaries get their way, we’ll only get one book to read, and they’re going to make us memorize it.
The war in Iraq that the general public is tiring of should be more appropriately titled “The Iraqi Campaign of the Islamic Conquest” because it is merely a battle within the framework of a far greater fight that has been ongoing for centuries. So yes, I’m pro-victory. If we must fight, and we must, then we must win.
Does being ‘Pro-victory’ mean that you think it was a good idea for the US to go to war with Iraq. I ask because it is difficult for me (as one who has a brother in Iraq) to understand how anyone could at this point. I always supported going into Afghanistan. But somehow we have forgotten all about Osama bin Laden, and now we are stuck in an imbroglio with a country that Bush acknowledges had nothing to do with 9/11. Honestly, I still can’t figure out why we went in there in the first place (and what ever happened to the hunt for the real terrorist, bin Laden).
Avery, I think that given the intelligence that we had at the time, removing Saddam was the right thing to do. He’s a murderous thug who, left alone, would have presented an even larger problem down the road. His programs were not as far advanced as we thought but he would have reached his goals eventually.
This may seem like semantics but we’re not engaged in a war with Iraq – we went there to liberate the people of Iraq from Saddam and are still there fighting insurgents, foreign nationals, and terrorists. If we pull out before the area is stabilized it would create a vacuum which would be filled immediately by the various forces that we’re trying to neutralize.
We went to war IN Iraq not WITH Iraq. What we are fighting against in Iraq and Afghanistan is far greater than either of those countries. If you step back and look at the big picture this war didn’t start 3 years ago or 10 years ago. 9/11 was not an isolated attack. This fight that we are engaged in has been going on for centuries. What amazes me is that such a barbarian ideology has managed to gain such a strong foothold in today’s society.
Most importantly I thank your brother for his service to his country and am curious what his opinion is. Most of my friends and acquaintances that are there or have returned tell me that any doubt regarding our mission is dissolved when you look into the eyes of the children. Oh, a good friend of mine just returned from a year in Afghanistan “hunting for bad guys” as he puts it and I assure you OBL is still first on the list.
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