Go for a Ride

by Steve on September 29, 2006

Note that the Tomcat’s first flight was December 21, 1970 followed by its first hydraulic failure and subsequent ejection on December 30, 1970. The Cat finished much better than she started!


{ 1 comment }

Curt October 3, 2006 at 16:43

Nice video. Remember the F/FB-111 started out poorly, but, the little publicized fact is the FB-111 represented 12% of the airframes in GWI, but accounted for a little over 50% of the tank kills (documented in the afterward of “Raid on Libya” by the Asst Wing Commander). It was “old news” by then, but very much capable of doing the missions. The Tomcat and Ardvark both did what was necessary: Matured, and nicely at that…

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