Or another round of “Damn Computer!” Seems that Trend Micro updates surpassed the DSL modem software. Several cable swaps, resets, reboots, etc. followed days later by a phone call to Bellsouth. That resulted in roughly an hour of listening to someone in India reading a checklist and demanding that I perform all those steps once again as I might have skipped a step somewhere. Finally in safe mode we were able to “talk” to the modem and while the Indian techie joyfully declared that Trend Micro held responsibility for my problem I happened to note that the modem software version was several numerals behind the current version. I thanked her for the 800 number to Trend Micro, anything to get her off the phone, and promptly downloaded the new driver. A royal pain this technology stuff. Now if I can get my work laptop to “see” my wireless connection and figure out the source of all the ghost email popping up on my Blackberry I’ll be in good shape.
More Technical Difficulties
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{ 1 comment }
Dear Sir: Without making light of your technological problems, you don`t know how happy I am that anyone over the age of 20, besides myself, isn`t afraid to admit to some of the same headaches(for lack of a better word). I, too, have had the delight of speaking with India only to be told to `take a course!`. Bless you.
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