It’s a Jeep Thing

by Steve on February 6, 2007

The wife, having recently been stripped of her “little car” in an accident at the mall, returned home this evening grinning and laughing, “I just love that Jeep – everyone waves at me.”

“It’s a Jeep thing,” I replied. Didn’t think to warn her about the wave went I sent her off this morning. She’s never driven the CJ with its bad manners and stick shift so the “new” Rubicon was an initiation of sorts. After years of driving the old CJ for the thrill of it I’m used to the fraternal wave that fellow Jeep enthusiasts exchange on the road. It’s just part of driving one – you see one coming the opposite direction, you wave. If you don’t, you’re rude. Especially if you’re on a two-lane road – divided four-lane in heavy traffic, not necessarily required. It’s a way of acknowledging a fellow free-spirit, someone who like you is just crazy enough to tolerate a vehicle with an uncivilized side (when was the last time you saw window cranks on a production vehicle?) The age of the Jeep has a direct relationship to the mechanic abilities or financial endowment of the owner. You might think that a new Jeep would indicate a well-heeled driver but the opposite is actually true – a vintage Jeep that is mechanically sound is operated by a driver with vast inner knowledge of its systems or one that has the resources to pay for such knowledge. Virtually anyone can make the payment on a new one protected by warranty. Still, even they get a wave. But I digress, the missus is saying something…

“Honey, what are you thinking? You’ve got that look in your eyes,” she asks.

“Oh nothing important. I was just thinking of Maine and Colorado, places where the pavement ends and you carry enough spare gas to get back out. Fishing for dinner, campfires under the stars…



{ 1 comment }

Kris, in New England February 9, 2007 at 14:11

Steve – LOVE your post on all things Jeep. We (or more specifically the hubby) have a Grand Cherokee – in brilliant fire engine red. It’s a V8, sucks down gas like an Irishman at a pub on payday and has cost us a bit in repairs. BUT he loves that thing, and so do I. And you are right – it IS a Jeep Thing.

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