Iranian Forces in Iraq

by Steve on June 26, 2007

From AFP:

Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces have been spotted by British troops crossing the border into southern Iraq, The Sun tabloid reported on Tuesday.

Britain’s defence ministry would not confirm or deny the report, with a spokesman declining to comment on “intelligence matters”.

An unidentified intelligence source told the tabloid: “It is an extremely alarming development and raises the stakes considerably. In effect, it means we are in a full on war with Iran — but nobody has officially declared it.”

Don’t we have sanctions in place to prevent this sort of thing? Heh. (In case you missed it, that’s sarcasm.)


Deborah Aylward June 26, 2007 at 9:17

I have to wonder where Mr. Al Maliki’s condemnation is of what can only be called an invasion of sovereign Iraq.

God help our Troops if this is the course Iran is going to follow.

Veritas et Fidelis Semper

SJBill June 27, 2007 at 8:31


Don’t you see? The Iranians are people with dignity and hope trying to make a living in a new country, to support their starving families back home.

Ask Mr. Carter, doncha. He created the mess.


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