The Independent Voice

by Steve on July 17, 2007

If you missed this, as I did, take the time to go back and read it. Senator Joe Lieberman, the Independent from Connecticut who used to be a Democrat, delivered a speech back in May at a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition.

I recognize that this war has been controversial, and there are those who oppose it on principle. I respect that.

But too much of the debate we are having today about withdrawal from Iraq has little or nothing to do with principle, or with reality in Iraq.

It is about politics and partisanship here in Washington.

For many Democrats, if President Bush is for it, they must be against it. If the war is going badly, it is bad for Republicans and it is good for Democrats. It is as simple as that, and it is as wrong as that.

NRO has the rest.

H/T to Jay for the email.

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