
by Steve on December 7, 2008


Take a moment to remember those who went down fighting in a war they didn’t see coming, fighting to save their ship, their fellow men, and their souls. They made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom that we still cherish generations later.

The above image is by Brett Seymour of the National Park Service taken during government survey operations, a small part of one of the most fitting tributes to the crew of the USS Arizona and all we lost that day.

There are ghosts on the Arizona, whose presence you feel when you are alone, particularly in the hours at dusk. But, they don’t frighten me. I feel a strange kinship with them; they make me sad – sad that they never got the chance to be heroes, or fools, or anything else. To paraphrase the words of a character in a Clint Eastwood film who talks about taking life; that bomb took away not only what they were but everything they were ever going to be.

More at the NPS site.

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