Edible Landscaping

by Steve on March 19, 2011

Cousin It, our affectionate name for the 15 year-old boxwood, which has dominated an un-natural area since we moved in, was set free in the forest this morning. Okay, that’s the tree-hugging feel-good version – it was unceremoniously dumped after being ripped out of the ground using my favorite landscaping tool: the Warn winch on the front of the old CJ.

I decided purely ornamental plants are no longer welcome. They make about as much sense as feeding and picking up after a dog that won’t fetch a duck out of a half frozen swamp. As I checked out at Lowe’s with a couple of peach trees, apple trees, and blueberry bushes the cashier commented on my edible landscaping.

Me: “If I’m going to spend a beautiful Saturday planting bushes and then periodically weeding around them, I’m going to eat off them!”

Her: “Maybe the deer won’t get them.”

Me: “They’re good eating too.”

Woman in line behind me (full battle make-up): “OMG, you wouldn’t!”

Me: “Most certainly – I have and I will!” (Well, not in the front yard unless things get really bad.)

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