Someone once said you can’t go home again. They obviously didn’t try very hard. I’m back in Wyoming Ohio for my 30th high school reunion (I know, the math isn’t pretty). It’s a beautiful town that I didn’t appreciate through the eyes of a child and a place I no longer have family ties to so I don’t get back often. It’s fun to cruise the streets where we used to play ball (yes, in the street!), ride our bikes, and learned how to drive. The houses I grew up in haven’t changed much – still majestic examples of the architecture that is sorely missing from modern development.
Last night’s informal gathering was a blast and I’m sure tonight’s event will be as well. As a graduating class we all had dreams, some realized and some dashed, but after 30 years it’s fun to share stories and enjoy time together without the distortion of teenage focus.
We’ve all had our share of successes and failures. We all move a bit slower, hold our reading material a bit farther away, and laugh at ourselves – something that didn’t seem possible back in 1981. “Experienced” was the word we settled on. It implies neither age nor wisdom – simply being alive with all the bumps and blessings the road brings along. Our number is already reduced so being together again is reason to celebrate indeed.
{ 1 comment }
Beautifully written and a wonderful sentiment. I can totally relate. Thanks for putting it into words. I look forward to reading more from you and hopefully seeing you again soon.
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